We are football in Aotearoa, we are the beautiful game, and we are proud to be the largest sporting whānau in New Zealand.

One Unified Brand Identity​​​​​

​​​​​​​New Zealand Football and the six member federations have joined together under one unified brand identity as part of a wider programme of work to generate more efficiency and effectiveness for members. 

Aligning under one brand was one of the objectives outlined in the “Think National, Act Local” pillar of the Delivery and Sustainability project.

Unifying the brand is representative of a much wider programme of work that has seen New Zealand Football and the Federations working together to reduce administrative duplication and cost. One brand identity across Federations and New Zealand Football, with regional differentiation, representing football in Aotearoa, New Zealand.  Federations and NZ Football working together to better serve our communities.

Read more about the story behind the unified brand identity.

Our Federation Whānau​​​​​​​

Story Of The Fern

The Ponga

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Ponga (Silver Fern) of the NZF logomark represents the whakapapa of football in Aotearoa.

The circular form represents the ball which is the global symbol for the beautiful game, but also much more than this; it represents how we are formed, how we are all connected and how we exist together. We are not individuals, but instead a collective, and through this collective our strength is formed.

The Stalk

The Stalk represents our community.

The papa (foundation) of our sport is the community within it. They, like the stalk, are the support structure that keeps us together. They are in our clubs, they volunteer at games, they are our fans and at the centre of everything we do. It is no exaggeration to say that without the loyal, inspirational football community here in New Zealand, our game as we know it would not exist, and we vow to never take that for granted.

The Pinna

The Pinna represents our federations.

The leaves of the fern are our federations around NZ. They guide, protect and strengthen the game.
They think national, act local, and champion football at every level throughout Aotearoa, to ensure everyone is heard, represented and unified.

View our Brand Guidelines here: